Washington's distinguished museums include the
first modern art museum in the US. The Phillips Collection
comprises more than 25,000 works, of which between 250 and 300 are on
exhibit at any one time in this intimate gallery.
Unique collections In 1921 Duncan Phillips
opened two gallery rooms in his Georgian revival mansion as a memorial
to his father and brother. In the same year he married painter
Marjorie Acker. Together they assembled as unparalleled collection
of French Impressionists - including August Renoir's Luncheon of the
Boating Party, acquired in 1923 for the then record price of $125,000 -
Post Impressionists, cubists, 17th- and 19th century masters, and
American modernists. They avoided the ordinary and sought out
paintings that glowed with an artist's unique visions; their unerring
eye has given the collection a special quality.
Masterpieces The playful Swiss
painter Paul Klee is well represented here, as is the master of
brilliant domestic images, Pierre Bonnard. Americans Arthur Dove,
Georgia O'Keefe, and Mark Rothko coexist peacefully alongside Pablo
Picasso, Claude Monet, and Edgar Degas. The Music Room on the firs
floor, with its oak paneling and wainscoting, displays works by one of
Phillip's favorite artists, cubist Georges Braque. The paintings
are hung throughout the house and art students, who serve s wardens, are
always willing to discuss works in detail.
Dupont Circle This is an area of
appealing brownstones and is a busy urban restaurant district. It
is an area for fun and games for straight or gay people. The red
Metro line stops here and the National Geographic Society is only a few
blocks away.