177 Million Dollar Renovation of the War Memorial Veterans Building

Renovated War Memorial Veterans Building - Built in 1932

$177,000.000.00 renovation, 1,549 workers, 180,093 hours worked, sesmic upgrades, new roof and skylight, new elevators, window and exterior terra cotta repaired, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire alarms and sprinklers and stage systems upgrades.

The Green Room View from the balcony of the Green Room - City Hall

Chuck in the Green Room!

I don't know why the green looks blue in my photos! Very strange!

Herbst Theatre - 900 Seats

Oil paintings from the 1915 Panama World's Fair - Held until the Herbst Theatre was being built in 1932. The walls were specifically designed to house the eight paintings, spring, summer, fall and winter.

View from the balcony of the Herbst Theatre

The ceilings have been cleaned and so have the paintings.

View from the stage.

The stage has been expanded on each side to allow more space for the actors/singers and props.
Some of the lighting and other equipment to produce the venues.

One of several meeting rooms for the Veterans Auxilary. Currently only a thousand members and they need more younger military people to keep the facility running to aid military members in their daily life. The second floor is a nice area for members to meet and just make new friends.
The bar in the basement has been doubled in size and new tables and chairs have been added.

New LED lighting with little heat generated from them.
Beautiful staircases and stained glass windows.

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  Charles Walter Buntjer

San Francisco California
Created on: 2015.09.20  

Updated on: 2015.09.20