Whose Your Mother - A One Act Play
Philip, the manager of the Curry Senior TechCenter att 520 Turk Street decided in 2024 to start a poetry and prose class.
Philip has a history of working with poetry and prose and has written around 8 or more theatrical play scripts.
In the class we have people who have had their poetry published and Philip thought I would be a good choice to write a theatrical script for a ten minute play. He said there are groups that put on short ten page or so scripts at various theatrical venuses. I was astounded, I might have a play produced and acted on an actual stage!
Note: I am almost finished with the script about two women and problems with their husbands. Philip asked us to produce a list of ten or so scenarios and everyone picked the two women idea I had. I actually liked one of the other ones, Donald Duck and his life long problems living in La La Land with Mickie, Minne Mouse and other characters.
Can you believe it, at 85 years old and I am still being very creative! I also have been doing iMovies and YouTube videos besides my website I have been working on for 25 years. Time will tell if I actually have a play acted out on the stage.
- Donald Duck
- Baby Geese
- Mickie Mouse
- Minnie Mouse
- Goofy
- Three Pigs
- Big Bad Wolf
- Good Witch of the East
- Other Neighbors Living in La La Land
- The La La Land Neighborhood
- A Cartoon for Grownups and Children of all ages.
(Donald Duck gets up every morning and checks out the neighborhood from his kitchen window. He talks to himself and the audience.)
Donald: We've all lived here in La La Land for the last 80 years. I get up every morning and wonder why we are in this situation. I can see the next house where Mickie Mouse lives, the house after that is Minie Mouse's house, then Goofies house, and so on. I have lived alone all my life and wish I had someone to love. I know they all call me D. D. Duck, Dumb Donald Duck. I wish my name was Don. Like Don the Daring, not the old Donald Duck name. What is one to do. I guess it is time for my usual morning walk around 'Lake Big'.
(Donald walks fast Mickie's house and gives it a nasty look.)
Donald: Why does Mickie get the prettiest girl in town, and I don't get anything. I hate my name Donald.
(He then sighs as he goes by Minnie's house.
Donald: I love Minnie because she is so sweet and nice and will help out anyone who needs help. She seems to keep away from my house even though we are only seperated by Mickie's house. I don't trust Mickie, everyone seems to think he is so smart and wonderful but I think there is something going on that no one else can see. Well it is time for me to take my daily walk.
(Donald walks around the lake and hears chirping.)
Donald: I really walked fast today and am almost home. But I wonder what all that chirping is about in those cattails, could be a nest.
Goslings: squawk - Mama - squawk
Donald: You three are so cute, geese of all things. I know a little about baby ducks but not geese, can't be much differant. Well not to worry, I am sure your mother will be back soon.
(Then he starts to walk home. But a few feet down the path he hears squacking and little feet pattering on the path. He is not into children or anyone else. He shoos them back to the nest.)
Donald: Stop following me, I am not your mother. I am not a goose. I am going to take you back to your nest. Just stay there and wait. Maybe your mother will will be coming back soon.
(He gets about ten feet away and they run up to him and sit around his feet, snuggling close to him. He is getting ready to be angry and then sees Minnie come running out of her house.)
Minnie: What is going on?
(Donald thinks fast.)
Donald: These babies are all alone and I found them and hope I can help them.
Minnie: Don, that is the nicest thing anyone has done around here in years!
(Donald almost fell over, Don and not Donald. Maybe the DDD now could be Daring Don Duck.)
Minnie: Do you need any help with these cute baby geese?
(Donald thought very quickly.)
Donald: Yes, I could make us a nice dinner tonight, you can come over and we can talk about what I can do with my new family.
Minnie: I think that is a wonderful idea and I will be there around six p.m.
Donald: Alright you little goslings, I am taking you out in the yard for fresh cut grass and I am sure you will be tired by this eveing. I will put all of you in a basket with a nice pillow in it, next to the warm fireplace just before I have dinner with Minnie.
(That evening at six p.m. Minnie came over and knocks on Don's home.)
Minnie: You have the nicest home and the baby geese look so happy. You will make the best father I have ever known. And what a dinner for me, my favorite cheeses and a drink and a candle!
(At the same time, six p.m. and Mickie went over to Minnies for dinner, he goes to walk in as usual but the door is locked!)
Mickie: Where are you Minne? Why is the door locked? She's not at home, impossible as she gives me dinner every night.
(Mickie is very loud, Daffy Duck hears him yelling and wonders what is going on.)
Daffy: Why are you yelling so loud, never hear so much noise in 80 years. Can't Minnie go out without you having her at your beckoned call!
Mickie: Mind your own business.
The Three Pigs: We think you have been taking advantage of Minnie. You expect her to have dinner for you every night. What do you do for her?
(Mickie was really pissed. Off he stormed back to his house looking for Minnie.)
Mickie: I've walked all over La La Land and haven't see Minnie. Maybe she went downtown. I will just walk along the back fence on my property and Donald Ducks back yard to the street.
(He walks past Donald's house and looks into the kitchen window from the bushes.)
Mickie: What the hell is going on. I can see Minnie sitting across from Donald with a nice dinner and candle light, looks like their hands are awfully close to each other. I thought she was my girl friend and I have to think of a way to break them up.
(The next morning Mickie calls everyone in the neighborhood.)
Mickie: We are having a very important meeting at four p.m. today and you must attend. We will be voting on a very inportant ruling to ensure our neighborhood is safe for all of us. Be sure to be there.
(Four p.m. and the neighborhood meeting is hosted by the president, Goofy.)
Goofy: I have a new ruling that we want to put in our bylines. We will vote on it and put it into the rule book.
Donald: We can't vote on something we haven't discussed.
Good Witch: Yes, and by the way, who put this rule up for a vote?
Minnie: I agree, and Goofy, why wasn't this sent out as a notice for us to review before being called to a meeting. By the way, didn't Mickie get you put on the board as the president without a real vote. Did he put you up to this?
Mickie: Stop all the questioning. The new rule is to ensure we all are safe. The rule states that no one can date or marry someone who isn't of the same species. We have to keep our neighborhood safe.
One Piggie: So is it safe for me to have a close relationship with the Big Bad Wolf if it isn't hurting anyone else? Not that I might by interested in him but still, he is a hunk.
Big Bad Wolf: Thanks Ms Piggie, I also think you are very nice. And I do walk by Mickie's house most days and hear him and Pluto playing in the back yard. I hear Mickie say to Pluto, "Go fetch the ball". Pluto, do this and that. I love you Pluto, you should run away from home and live here with me. I personnaly think if we approve this new law, we need to ensure that Mickie cannot have a dog for a friend. Inter species love, I don't think so.
Daffy Duck: Yes, I hear Mickie talking to Pluto all the time. He acts like he is in love with Pluto. I think that is very strange.
Mickie: What is wrong with all of you. The status quo should be kept. So what if I like Pluto. It's none of your business.
Minnie: You mean the rules don't apply to you, only to the rest of us.
Mickie: We are going to vote, then whom ever votes against it is not welcome in our neighborhood.
Goffy: I think it is time for me to shape up and do the deed.
Mickie: About time. Especially after I got you the job.
Goffy: I just started my new year long tenure as president of the board but, I am quitting the position and I am naming a new president for the next year. All of you can vote if you want my replacment. I nominate Donald Duck. Plus, a yes if we don't want anything to do with Mickies new rule. Do I hear a resounding "YES"!
(All the neighbors at the meeting.)
Yes, yes, to Donald as Presidant and get rid of Mickie and his new rule to the bylines.
Minnie: Only one change, Donald has had his name changed to Don. Don D. Duck. A new president and a new name.
(Mickie leaves in a snit!)
Goofy: And now we can all go to my house and have a celebration drink.
Minnie: Where did Mickie go, I wonder if he will move to another neighborhood, maybe next to the Wicked Witch of the West.
(All the neighbors, lots of laughting and hugging.)
All the neighbors: We will drink to that. La La Land was never better!
Created on: 2024.12.23 |
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Updated on: 2025.01.11 |