John B. Buntjer

John B. Buntjer, Senior

Born at:  Germany

Birth:   Deceased at:    Date:  

Mr. John B. Buntjer  came to this country sometime in the 1890s or so?  We do not have any information about him except his wife's name was Elizabeth Janssen.

I do remember when I was around five years old or so, we would drive to Freeport from Pecatonica on Highway 20 between Rockford and Freeport and read the Burma Shave signs!   We would drive by this old stone house and in the late 1940s it was run down and the yard was full of brush.  My sister told me she had heard that our great grandparents had lived in the house at the turn of the century or between 1880s to 1899.   

She did get a photo of the house several years ago and said she talked to the owner and he said he bought the property and had built a new house by the highway.  He is renovating the old house and has put windows in it and is cleaning up the area. 

Maybe John B. Buntjers Home in the 1890s

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Created by Charles W. Buntjer

Published on:

San Francisco, California
