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Philae Island - Temple of Isis!
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This island is actually located in the Nubian desert but both the Egyptians and Nubians worshipped the goddess Isis. Her magical powers it was thought, brought back her husband Osiris after he was slain by his brother Set, and her spells saved her son Horus from a poisonous snake. Visitors came in Graeco-Roman times to see the priests performing their sacred duties. Even as late as 453 AD the goddess was worshipped by the Blemmys, a tribe of the Eastern Desert. The monuments of Philae represent the last outpost of ancient Egyptian tradition. The temple known as the "Pearl of the East", the temple is the only monument dedicated to a single goddess. It is a beautiful complex and was built during the dynasties of the Ptolemy.


The only Windows in Egypt in this Shape!

Chuck at the Philae Temple!

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