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Entrance & Interior of Karnack 
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Karnack is on the banks of the Nile and is one of the most awe-inspiring religious buildings on earth. From here is an avenue lined (originally two miles long) with sphinxes which runs south to Luxor. The ancient name for this place was Thebes which embraced present-day Karnack and Luxor and across the Nile in western Thebes, the tombs and mortuary temples of the pharaohs in the Valley of the Kings and Queens. This area was the heart of Egypt from 2100 to 750 BCE. On the east bank was the city of the living in the direction of the sun rise. On the west bank, in the direction of the sun set, was their necropolis. The Nile gave Egypt life and the Sun God Re sailed his ship to the underworld each night.


The Giant Columns

Stone Windows

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