
Resume of Qualifications

Senior Technical Writer/Business Systems Analyst/Web Administrator

Charles W. Buntjer -1230 Market Street - Suite 706  - San Francisco, CA 94102-4801

Web Site:

Technical Skills

·         Web Administrator and Site Developer

·         Creating Internal & External Programming Specifications

·         Systems and Applications Flow Charts

·         Acceptance Test Plans

·         User Guides

·         Installation Guides

·         Administration

·         Technical Reference Manuals

·         JCL and PROC Formatting

·         OS/2 Hypermedia On-line Help

·         Use Cases

·         Quality Assurance and

·         User Training


·         IBM AS/400, 3033, 370, 360, Amdahl 470-V8, and all peripheral equipment


·         WORD for  Windows 6.0  

·         Microsoft FrontPage 

·         PowerPoint 97 - SR2

·         Excel

·         Microsoft Project

·         Adobe Acrobat - 4.0

·         DreamWeaver - 3, Hot Metal Pro, Netscape Composer (HTML Editors)

·         MetaBot ­ Meta Tag Generator

·         GIF `Animation' Construction

·         Fast Transfer Protocol (FTP LE)

·         MindManager 3.5 ­ Project Planning & Web Compiler

·         Map This - 1.31

·         RoboHelp - 7.0

·         Photo Shop - 5.5

·         ClearCase

·         Visio Technical Flowcharting Tool - 5.0

·         PLATINUM ERwin 3.5.2 - Data Modeling Tool

·         OS/2 Hypermedia (IPF tags)

·         SCRIPT

·         GML/PC

·         Vantive

·         COBOL, TSO, MVS, IMS, CICS

·         RUMBA/400 and AS 400/RPG – Hawkeye

·         iMovies

·         YouTube Videos


·        Bachelor of Arts, Rockford College, Rockford, IL  



Franklin Templeton Technology, Dublin, CA ­ February 1, 2001 to September 1, 2001

All Star Consulting, San Francisco, CA ­ Web Administrator/Business Analyst/Technical Writer

Created an in-house Information Security Intranet web site and worked with the users to add documents and links to the site for better use by corporate personnel.

Created a Project Methodology web site that documents all phases, modules, and deliverables for creating or updating an application.  This is used by the Security Division to setup time lines, resources, and necessary documents to ensure the security policy for the corporation are met by the user.  I also reviewed, reformatted, and designed new forms such as the Project Security Checklist for project manager's use in detailing the necessary actions and documents needed for review by the Security Facilitator Reviewer.  I created a `cheat sheet' for project managers and security reviewers to use detailing the phases of a project, the modules and deliverables.  

I also did miscellaneous project such as reviewing of the server audit trails and matching the audits against the Policy Standards.   Failed audits were returned to the appropriate personnel for corrective action. All of this was accomplished using MindManager, DreamWeaver, Word, and Visio.


Schwab, San Francisco, CA - April 1, 2000 to December 31, 2000

All Star Consulting, San Francisco, CA ­ Web Administrator/Business Analyst/Tester

Built a knowledge base using MindManager to detail the organization and design a new web site using DreamWeaver for the SIM Technology Group while maintaining the old SIM Tech web site using RoboHelp. 

Also became a member of the ICON (Intranet Standards) Group in order to discuss ongoing maintenance problems and set standards for in-house web sites.  Used the knowledge base, standards from the ICON Group, and input from brain storming sessions with the SIM Technology Group to create a GUI interface for the SIM Tech web site using Photo Shop and DreamWeaver.   Also used MetaBot to create a template and meta tags for searching the web site using an in-house search engine.  Created and maintained  the files on NT ClearCase.

Created Release Notes for QA testing using Vantive and Packaging Notes for Release Management and created test cases for QA from Use Cases.

The above projects were accomplished by using MindManager, DreamWeaver HTML Editor, MetaBot, Map This, Photo Shop, Paint Shop Pro, WORD for windows 6.0, Power Point Presentation Manager, Adobe Acrobat, RoboHelp 7.0, NT Clear Case, Vantive, and Visio Flowcharting Tool.


Banc of America Securities, San Francisco, CA - July 20, 1998 to March 31, 2000

David Hicks Associates, Inc. Lafayette   - Senior Tech Writer/Business Analyst/Tester

Worked on a Data Warehousing project to document databases and reporting for BackOffice. Used PLATINUM Erwin 3.5.2 as a data-modeling tool to document databases fed by ADP and other vendors to feed the new CDR database-reporting project. Also documented report layouts using Micro Bank to include report fields and data base criteria for data selection for conversion to Acutate.

Worked with Application Development Department to document the interfaces with other departments such as Quality Assurance, Modularization, Change/Release Control, NT Administration and so on. Detailed how the department documents work flows to use other department resources. Determined where bottlenecks occur and how they may be resolved. Set up a web site for inter-office access of related information plus listed related URL's that access other department documents that will make the Application Development Department a more productive area.

Acted as liaison between the Information Technology Department (IT) and Quality Assurance Department (QA) to ensure Y2K testing of vendor packages were completed in a timely fashion. Created Assessment Forms and reviewed the test results and ensured the Y2K compliance memo of acceptance was submitted to IT for approval by management to complete the Y2K compliance testing phase.

Also set up testing standards for the Year 2000 program changes and documented the test scripts for nine systems in the Montgomery Securities BackOffice Division. Assumed testing lead over three teams to coordinate and ensure the base line testing was followed correctly. Documented results from the base line testing and used the results to set up the testing criteria for Y2K production testing for each test script. Tested systems against the current production environment and against the production environment with the Y2K program changes in place to determine if the results were the same.  Finally tested the systems against the Y2K program changes with aged data to ensure all of the Y2K program changes match the test criteria. Results are reviewed and reliability determined by the auditors and the SEC for final approval of the Y2K testing for the first phase of reconfiguration of the Y2K interactive program changes.  

The above projects were accomplished by using WORD for windows 6.0, Power Point Presentation Manager, Adobe Acrobat, Excel, Visio, Front Page (HTML Tags), Actuate Developer, Micro Bank, PLATINUM ERwin 3.5.2 Data Modeling Tool, and AS 400 RPG programs along with GAMMA and Hawkeye.


Williams-Sonoma, San Francisco, CA - Februrary 1, 1997 to May 15, 1998

All Star Consulting, San Francisco, CA ­ Senior Technical Writer

Work with programmers to document AS400 programs for updating applications to fit user's needs

by using WORD for Windows 6.0.


Deltanet, Inc., San Francisco, CA - September 12 1995 to November 10, 1996

Systems Integration Solutions, San Francisco, CA - Senior Technical Writer

Create User's Guides for marketing and client base by acceptance testing the following applications:

·        DeltaNet

·        Disbursement

·        System

·        Payment & Document Control Parameters

·        Reporting & Forms Layouts


by using WORD for Windows 6.0 and Microsoft Doc -To-Help 1.6


IBM, San Francisco, CA - August 22 1995 to August 31, 1995

Advanced Technology Staffing, Menlo Park, CA - Senior Business Analyst/Supervisor

Assume responsibilities of the IBM's Proposal Department personnel in producing a multi-million dollar proposal for the San Jose Police Department by:

·        Analyzing the initial proposal request

·        Setting up and maintaining a schedule for the proposal milestone

by using WORD for Windows 6.0, SCRIPT, Ami Pro 3.0, and Aldus PageMaker 5.0.


Matson Leasing, San Francisco, CA - November 07 1994 to May 01, 1995

MICOR Inc., Walnut Creek, CA  - Senior Business Analyst/Tester/Technical Writer

Analyze, setup test cases and test the XcelleNet RemoteWare E-MAIL (MatMail) Software Release 1.3 application by:

·        Analyzing the XcelleNet User's Manual

·        Analyzing the X.400 Addressing User's Guide (Internet and Facsimiles)

·        Designing a test plan format

·        Writing the MatMail User's Test Plan

·        Setting up test cases

·        Verify the test plan by testing all of the functions related to the product


by using WORD for Windows - Release 6.0, MS-DOS, VISIO, and the XcelleNet's E-Mail application.


IBM, San Francisco, CA - April 01 of 1993 to October 29th of 1994

The Contractor's Network, Menlo Park, CA  - Senior Business Analyst

Work with the programmers and users to analyze, regression test, acceptance test, design documentation standards, and

document the following applications for the Kaiser Permanente Outpatient Booking system:

·        A Facility and Resource User's Guide

·        A Setup, a Scheduling, and an Outpatient Booking User's Guide

·        Implementation

·        Guides:

·        Management

·        Overview

·        Getting

·        Started

·        Reporting


by using SCRIPT, WORD for Windows, CICS, OS/2, and ISPF.


Aristacom, Alameda, CA - April to June of 1992

David Hicks Associates, Inc. Lafayette, CA  - Senior Business Analyst/Technical Writer

Work with engineering staff, software design specialists, and users to analyze, format, and publish a software package for

a Fujitsu business communications system that converts Fujitsu F9600 PBX protocols into AT&T ASAI protocol messages:

·        Design, document, and publish a TCSI/ASAI Protocol Converter Installation Guide and User Guide.

·        Acceptance test the application to insure the windows and dialog design follows GUI (Graphical User Interface)

·        Ability to work with Version 2.0a of Word, OS/2 and the DOS operating system.


Sterling Software, Palo Alto, CA - January 1990 to January 1992

Technical Consultant

Manage all phases of analyzing and documenting the Space Management System, which will run under the OS/2, MVS operating system on IBM mainframes using OS/2 Hypermedia Information Presentation Facility (IPF) tags.   Use WORD for Windows to produce:

·        a Product Specifications Function report from engineering and management input

·        an External Functional Specifications report from engineering, programming, and management input.

·        Design corporate documentation standards using the on line OS/2 hypermedia format and include the following items:

·        Context sensitive Help panels for on line screen fields

·        Icon sensitive Help panels for activity displays


Boole & Babbage, Sunnyvale, CA - August 1988 to January 1990

The Contractor's Network, San Francisco, CA - Senior Business Analyst/Tech Writer

Work with engineering staff, software design specialists, and users to analyze, format, and publish mainframe operating

systems software package information and formalize documentation standards:

·        AutoOPERATOR Installation and Administration User Guide

·        AutoOPERATOR User Guides for MVS, CICS, and IMS operating systems


Bank of America, Concord, CA - January of 1987 to August of 1988

The Computer Resources Group, Inc. San Francisco, CA - Senior Business Analyst/Technical Writer

Work with the Large Scale Systems Division and Operations Division in analyzing and formatting the necessary information to publish manuals for Disaster Recovery, Program Documentation, and Operation's run books. The major systems documented were TPF; MVS, IMS, CICS, Database-2 and all utility programs needed to achieve systems recovery.  The following manuals were created after data gathering from approximately 60 programmers and technical personnel in the San Francisco and Los Angeles computer centers:

·        Disaster Recovery Manual for the San Francisco and Los Angeles operating systems

·        Program Documentation Manual for vendor products and internal programs

·        Operations run book for ease in running systems and application jobs


Blue Cross of California, Oakland, CA - 1981 to 1986

Senior Business Systems Analyst

Maintain and develop an on line claims entry system along with problem solving and state wide network support between

host and regional sites.

Determine user, operations, and programming needs in documenting procedures such as:

·        Develop and publish documents for Operations Standards Procedures and assist application and programming

·        teams in designing applications

·        Design a claims on line data entry user guide

·        Document procedures and programs

·        Design and document application JCL and PROCs


Fireman Fund Insurance, San Rafael, CA - 1967 to 1981

Senior Quality Assurance Analyst - 1979 to 1981

Senior Documentation Standards Analyst - 1975 to 1979

Supervisor of Data Control - 1973 to 1975

Assistant Supervisor of Operations - 1969 to 1973

Technical Support of Operations - 1967 to 1969

Computer Operator - 1965 to 1967  


IBM Service Bureau, San Francisco, CA - 1965 - 1966

Computer Operator

I worked on capturing cashed checks for Wells Fargo using the automated check sorting and data capturing equipment.   I then processed the information needed to balance the checks and made any corrections when necessary.  I then forward tapes containing the days check cashing information to Wells Fargo to update their data bases on customer accounts.  


United States Army, Presidio, CA - 1963 to 1965

Supervisor of Operations

Manage personnel to produce computer generated output reports used to regulate troop movements and maintain stock of military material needed in six western regional states using IBM 403s.


Amrock, Rockford, Il - 1961-1962

Computer Operator

I worked at this company for a year before being drafted into the army.    They manufactured fasteners for machinery and had the latest computer technology.   I was asked to come back after my two years in the military but I soon had a job in San Francisco at Fireman's Fund Insurance.  This company had at that time, the largest computer installation on the west coast, IBM Mod 20s, 30s, 360s, and 370s plus an old 1401 and 706!


Anderson Brothers, Freeport, Il - 1960 to 1961

407 Programmer/Operations Personnel

This was my second job and I used my Burgess Battery experience in wiring boards to process inventory and job orders at Anderson Brothers.  They manufactured fasteners for military and industrial application.  


Burgess Battery, Freeport, Il - 1959 to 1960

402/403 Programmer/Operations Personnel

This was my first job and I was interviewed and hired to learn how to work in the Burgess Battery office setting up boards to process in house payroll, inventory, and billing.   I was sent to downtown Chicago to learn how to wire boards used to calculate and print information from punch cards.  I also learned how to wire a calculator using marks on cards created using graphic pencils.  All in all, the latest in 'computers' at that time! 


Letters of Recommendation:

Blue Cross of California - October 1985

Boole & Babbage - December 1990

Bank of America - August 1988

Sterling Software - October 1991

  Charles Walter Buntjer

San Francisco California
Created on: 1999.06.25  

Updated on: 2015.10.01