Brain and Health Study

Brain Health Study

Douglas P. Terry Ph. D.


Vanderbilt University Medical Center

2201 West End Ave, Nashville, TN 37235


Brain and Health Study

Medical discoveries are not possible without volunteers like you. Brain and Health Study

Researchers need your help! Health research changes people's lives every day, but many studies end early because there are not enough volunteers.

We help by matching you with research studies. Researchers need both healthy people and people with all types of conditions. Everyone can be the perfect research match!

Note: Only a few of the survey pages are included in this web page.

Over View of Study

How people's brain health is affected by factors such as family, health history, current symptoms and so on.

Brain and Health Study

Brain and Health Study

Brain and Health Study

Points of Interest

I know the doctors and many researchers giving tests or wanting information about my health always laugh at my answers.

As in this study, you can see I have checked No.

When I have a listing of drugs other than prescriptions I have used or am using, I always put down none. No cocaine or any other drug.

I do have one coctail each evening with dinner but they usually do not put a drink in the listing of drugs, recreational or hard core!

When I have a listing of health issues like liver or kidneys, I also mark No. I sometimes put in cholestrol meds as a Yes since there isn't anything else marked Yes! My cholestrol is actually just below the high number and I am on a pill just to ensure I stay below the high number due to my age!

Brain and Health Study

Brain and Health Study

Brain and Health Study

Brain and Health Study

Brain and Health Study

Brain and Health Study

Brain and Health Study

Brain and Health Study

Brain and Health Study

Brain and Health Study

Created on: 2023.07.27
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Updated on: 2023.07.28