UCSF   Seal

University California San Francisco

2330 Post Street - 5th Floor

San Francisco, CA


UCSF   Seal

The University of California, San Francisco is a public research university in San Francisco, California. It is part of the University of California system and it is dedicated entirely to health science. It is a major center of medical and biological research and teaching.

UCSF Medical Center serves as the academic medical center of UC San Francisco. The medical center's nationally preeminent programs include children's health, neurological diseases and disorders, organ transplantation, women's health and cancer.

Note: My neighbor Trish came over and I helped her setup the forms to access the study and we also called Grant, who was setting up the study. My appointment was at 3:30 p.m. and Trish was lucky and got the 4:00 p.m. appointment. We both finished the study and went back to my apartment and had a glass of wine, apple pie and vanilla ice cream!

UCSF Voice and Swallow Study ~ 2021.07.30 - 02:30 P.M.

Voice & Swallow Research

Voice & Swallow Research

Voice & Swallow Research

Voice & Swallow Research

Approved for the Study and Statistics for the Study

Voice & Swallow Research

Voice & Swallow Research

Voice & Swallow Research

Voice & Swallow Research

Now all I have to do is wait for my $125.00 gift card from UCSF after finishing the Voice and Swallow study!

Voice & Swallow Research

Voice & Swallow Research

Grant Gochman and fellow research partner. There was a nurse and a doctor to do the testing and operating the camera as he slid it up my right nostril and around and down into my thoart! I held up my hand if I felt a pain and indicated the level of being unconfortable with a number of 1 to 10, depending on the severity! There were several levels of the study as the camera slid into my throat!

Voice & Swallow Research

Voice & Swallow Research

Chuck and a photo of his voice box!

As soon as the research project was finished for Trish and myself, we each got our $125.00 Visa gift card for the Voice and Swallow research project! Not too bad for a half hour of work!

Created on: 2021.07.24
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Updated on: 2021.07.31