University of Forida Dietary Study

COVID Dietary Study


 University of Forida Dietary Study

Medical discoveries are not possible without volunteers like you.

Researchers need your help! Health research changes people's lives every day, but many studies end early because there are not enough volunteers. We help by matching you with research studies. Researchers need both healthy people and people with all types of conditions. Everyone can be the perfect research match!

  University of Forida Dietary Study

COVID-19 Impact on Dietary Habits & Security Status during the Pandemic

We are writing to let you know about a research project about how you are coping with the COVD-19 pandemic. This study is being taken by the University of Florida.

  University of Forida Dietary Study

A few examples of the questions asked about my current dietary habits over the last few weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic. Have you had an Increase, Decrease or No Change of the food intake portion. You may select Yes, No, or Don't Know on the second section of questions!

  University of Forida Dietary Study

Created on: 2020.05.30
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Updated on: 2020.05.31